Our Story

“I’ve always been fascinated by the power  of jewellery — stumbling on a piece that speaks to you; the spring it puts in your step as you walk out the door; the deep connection forged as it passes from lover to loved; one generation to the next...”

- Nandita Goel, Founder

The idea for Kanyaka emerged over bottle(s) of wine shared with my closest girlfriends in New York — the very same women whose one-of-a-kind spirits inspire not just me, but the five collections you see here today.

At the time, I was to leave the tribe and move away — a shift in career, a leap of faith, a new adventure. What better way to celebrate my incredible lifelong allies than by paying tribute to their fighting spirits — embodied in metal and stone?

Each aspect of Kanyaka is infused with this urge to champion the women who continue to make their indelible mark on me. The name represents the fierce warrior goddess Durga. The collections are imprinted with real-life memories. Efforts have been made along every step of the way — from production to packaging and web design — to engage with teams that are women-led.

I hope you find something that calls out to you, tells you its unique story, as you forge ahead together on a lifetime of adventures of your own.